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Insights from Quantitative Research - Presented by InvestSuite in partnership with Franklin Templeton Insights from Quantitative Research - Presented by InvestSuite in partnership with Franklin Templeton

Unlocking the power of Goal-Based Investing in the UAE

Insights from Quantitative Research - Presented by InvestSuite in partnership with Franklin Templeton

In the course of 2023, our Customer Insights Expert, Sven Moons, partnered up with Franklin Templeton to investigate goal-based investing in the United Arab Emirates. An IPSOS research conducted among 800 retail investors in the UAE, has led to invaluable insights that we are excited to share with you.

The results of this quantitative research will be unveiled in our upcoming webinar on the 16th of November. Register now to gain exclusive insights into the world of goal-based investing and discover the motivations that drive investors in the UAE.

As a foretaste of what's to come in our webinar, we already share some key insights from our research.
It's just a glimpse of what's in store!

Two clear motivations

We found that 66% of UAE investors are motivated by two superordinate goals: ‘Achievement’ and ‘Benevolence’ as defined by the Schwartz model of universal human needs. Interestingly, the former is driven by a desire for self-enhancement and the latter by self-transcendence.

Investing is an ‘ought to’

Our research has shown that - contrary to what we found in the EU - between 69% and 90% of UAE investors are prevention-focussed in their goal pursuit.

Goals are specific

Goal-setting theory has proven time and again that ‘specific and not too easy' goals lead to higher levels of task performance than do easy or vague ones. The good news for financial institutions in the UAE is that their clients are a lot more specific about desired results and time horizons than - for instance - Belgian investors.

A desire for control

When considering different types of robo-advisor solutions, UAE investors highlight the same desire as those in other countries we researched: the ability to ‘tilt’ their portfolio compositions themselves.

Help is required

While UAE investors embrace investment technology, it turns out that different kinds of tech require different kinds of accompanying services. Where most fans of an execution-only trading platform state that they prefer to ‘do it all themselves’, a majority of the robo-advisor fans would like to ‘do it themselves, but get some professional help or service to do it right’.

Make morals tangible

UAE investors do not care so much about abstract concepts such as ‘E’ or ‘S’ or ‘G’. They rather align their investments with tangible issues such as global warming, employee wellbeing or shareholder protection.

Curious for more? Join us on the 16th of November. During this webinar, we'll reveal the in-depth findings and provide a deeper understanding of what motivates investors in the UAE.

Franklin Templeton and InvestSuite join forces

InvestSuite and Franklin Templeton, one of the world’s largest independent asset managers, have teamed up to introduce a new B2B robo-advisory solution to the market. The joint commercial offering is designed to empower banks, life insurers, global asset managers, online brokers and other financial institutions with the capability to offer a cost-efficient, white-label digital advice platform to end-investors at scale.